Budget Report
The report below lists the current balances for all budget lines in the 2023-2024 fiscal year's Activity & Service Fee Budget. For more details on a particular line, please contact us. Note that this report updates about every ten minutes. The A&SF Budget legislation can be viewed on the A&SF Financial Information page.
Line | SGA, Departments, Cost Centers and Activities | Amount | Expenditures | Remaining |
001 | Activity & Service Fee Business Office | $2,238,415.99 | $1,302,950.75 | $935,465.24 |
002 | Salaries & Benefits | $828,207.55 | $617,612.34 | $210,595.21 |
003 | OPS | $86,365.44 | $45,287.51 | $41,077.93 |
004 | Operations | $610,750.00 | $592,510.69 | $18,239.31 |
005 | AC11233 ASF R&R: Specific Projects | $300,001.00 | $47,540.21 | $252,460.79 |
006 | AC11234 ASF R&R: Contingencies | $413,092.00 | $0.00 | $413,092.00 |
008 | Ticket Center | $2,700,000.00 | $0.00 | $2,700,000.00 |
010 | Estimated Revenue - Ticket Center | ($2,700,000.00) | $0.00 | ($2,700,000.00) |
013 | Campus Activities Board | $476,813.99 | $488,512.53 | ($11,698.54) |
014 | OPS | $19,802.79 | $5,088.96 | $14,713.83 |
015 | Operations | $8,009.95 | $547.06 | $7,462.89 |
016 | Cinema | $19,500.00 | $17,344.37 | $2,155.63 |
017 | Comedy | $116,500.00 | $115,258.97 | $1,241.03 |
018 | Concerts | $255,579.00 | $270,262.03 | ($14,683.03) |
019 | Fine Arts | $30,500.00 | $3,198.36 | $27,301.64 |
020 | Impact | $29,500.00 | $10,594.65 | $18,905.35 |
021 | Marketing | $8,422.25 | $13,404.85 | ($4,982.60) |
023 | Special Events | $24,000.00 | $52,813.28 | ($28,813.28) |
025 | Estimated Revenue | ($35,000.00) | $0.00 | ($35,000.00) |
028 | Homecoming | $333,719.24 | $325,601.06 | $8,118.18 |
029 | OPS | $9,804.24 | $2,853.48 | $6,950.76 |
030 | Operations | $1,200.00 | $572.95 | $627.05 |
031 | Comedy | $56,950.00 | $49,643.18 | $7,306.82 |
032 | Concert | $159,250.00 | $211,915.07 | ($52,665.07) |
033 | Marketing | $12,000.00 | $12,865.83 | ($865.83) |
034 | Movie | $1,900.00 | $2,434.66 | ($534.66) |
035 | Knights Got Talent | $300.00 | $3,611.81 | ($3,311.81) |
036 | Fireworks | $29,450.00 | $31,795.85 | ($2,345.85) |
037 | Splash | $9,800.00 | $9,547.33 | $252.67 |
039 | Royalty | $850.00 | $317.96 | $532.04 |
040 | Production | $82,215.00 | $42.94 | $82,172.06 |
042 | Estimated Revenue | ($30,000.00) | $0.00 | ($30,000.00) |
045 | Knights of the Roundtable | $49,765.00 | $39,294.81 | $10,470.19 |
046 | OPS | $25,115.00 | $6,657.64 | $18,457.36 |
047 | Operations | $3,750.00 | $1,895.56 | $1,854.44 |
048 | Programming | $20,900.00 | $30,741.61 | ($9,841.61) |
051 | Knight-Thon | $56,504.24 | $45,115.29 | $11,388.95 |
052 | OPS | $9,804.24 | $772.60 | $9,031.64 |
053 | Operations | $7,700.00 | $2,520.06 | $5,179.94 |
054 | Main Event | $37,000.00 | $41,510.05 | ($4,510.05) |
055 | Special Events | $2,000.00 | $312.58 | $1,687.42 |
058 | Late Knights | $62,615.64 | $60,795.14 | $1,820.50 |
059 | OPS | $10,997.64 | $2,114.31 | $8,883.33 |
060 | Operations | $4,300.00 | $1,196.24 | $3,103.76 |
062 | Programming | $4,182.00 | $0.00 | $4,182.00 |
063 | Marketing | $3,182.00 | $4,530.60 | ($1,348.60) |
064 | Events | $39,954.00 | $52,953.99 | ($12,999.99) |
066 | Multicultural Student Center | $416,909.64 | $403,751.47 | $13,158.17 |
067 | Salaries & Benefits | $110,684.00 | $94,861.73 | $15,822.27 |
069 | OPS | $95,861.64 | $78,121.29 | $17,740.35 |
070 | Operations | $39,364.00 | $197,602.34 | ($158,238.34) |
071 | MSC Programmming | $134,000.00 | $24,068.79 | $109,931.21 |
072 | LGBTQ+ Programming | $25,000.00 | $1,865.21 | $23,134.79 |
073 | LGBTQ+ Services | $12,000.00 | $7,232.11 | $4,767.89 |
076 | Office of Student Involvement | $1,774,505.35 | $1,607,204.01 | $167,301.34 |
077 | Salaries & Benefits | $895,123.60 | $933,479.30 | ($38,355.70) |
079 | OPS | $408,675.75 | $256,713.86 | $151,961.89 |
081 | Operations | $131,604.00 | $386,649.67 | ($255,045.67) |
082 | Downtown | $117,602.00 | $16,920.97 | $100,681.03 |
083 | OSI Creative Services | $14,500.00 | $0.00 | $14,500.00 |
084 | Pegasus Palooza | $72,500.00 | $0.00 | $72,500.00 |
085 | OSI Assist/Sign Language Interpreters | $6,000.00 | $0.00 | $6,000.00 |
087 | Knights of the Connection | $30,000.00 | $959.34 | $29,040.66 |
088 | Rosen Life | $30,000.00 | $7,141.59 | $22,858.41 |
089 | Graduate Outreach and Non-Traditional Knights | $20,000.00 | $1,272.29 | $18,727.71 |
090 | Medical School Programming | $45,000.00 | $4,066.99 | $40,933.01 |
091 | Eternal Knights | $3,500.00 | $0.00 | $3,500.00 |
095 | Recreation & Wellness Center | $6,128,597.89 | $6,344,276.45 | ($215,678.56) |
02a | RWC Concessions | $0.00 | $78,285.65 | ($78,285.65) |
096 | Salaries & Benefits | $2,860,096.78 | $2,910,182.11 | ($50,085.33) |
098 | OPS | $1,576,723.00 | $1,336,741.23 | $239,981.77 |
100 | Operations | $2,095,778.11 | $1,923,501.12 | $172,276.99 |
101 | Repair & Replacement | $35,000.00 | $95,276.34 | ($60,276.34) |
103 | Estimated Revenue | ($439,000.00) | $290.00 | ($439,290.00) |
106 | Sport Club Council | $339,866.00 | $270,732.14 | $69,133.86 |
107 | OPS | $66,861.00 | $31,723.06 | $35,137.94 |
108 | Operations | $13,005.00 | $220,663.20 | ($207,658.20) |
110 | Programs | $260,000.00 | $18,345.88 | $241,654.12 |
113 | Student Government: A&SF Committee | $2,449.70 | $669.38 | $1,780.32 |
114 | OPS | $749.70 | $0.00 | $749.70 |
115 | Operations | $1,700.00 | $669.38 | $1,030.62 |
118 | Student Government: Elections Commission | $8,932.40 | $4,608.40 | $4,324.00 |
119 | OPS | $3,182.40 | $0.00 | $3,182.40 |
120 | Operations | $5,750.00 | $4,608.40 | $1,141.60 |
123 | Student Government: Executive | $561,385.42 | $626,240.06 | ($64,854.64) |
124 | OPS | $128,235.42 | $198,339.38 | ($70,103.96) |
125 | Operations | $19,300.00 | $415,564.03 | ($396,264.03) |
126 | Student Initiatives | $117,500.00 | $13.99 | $117,486.01 |
128 | Governmental Affairs | $15,350.00 | $0.00 | $15,350.00 |
130 | Passing of the Gavel | $2,500.00 | $0.00 | $2,500.00 |
132 | Long Term Contracts | $41,000.00 | $0.00 | $41,000.00 |
133 | President-Elect Transition Fund | $300.00 | $0.00 | $300.00 |
134 | Scantron & Blue Book Service | $7,500.00 | $12,322.66 | ($4,822.66) |
135 | Spring Event | $229,700.00 | $0.00 | $229,700.00 |
138 | Student Government: Judical | $23,952.24 | $4,120.90 | $19,831.34 |
139 | OPS | $19,902.24 | $651.17 | $19,251.07 |
140 | Operations | $4,050.00 | $3,469.73 | $580.27 |
143 | Student Government: Legislative | $861,469.20 | $790,542.98 | $70,926.22 |
144 | OPS | $51,469.20 | $3,109.19 | $48,360.01 |
145 | Operations | $10,000.00 | $0.00 | $10,000.00 |
146 | Registration & Travel | $540,000.00 | $582,309.11 | ($42,309.11) |
147 | Senate Working Fund | $260,000.00 | $205,124.68 | $54,875.32 |
154 | Student Legal Services | $627,225.82 | $556,926.96 | $70,298.86 |
155 | Salaries & Benefits | $563,917.40 | $515,152.50 | $48,764.90 |
156 | OPS | $33,720.84 | $16,623.14 | $17,097.70 |
157 | Operations | $29,587.58 | $25,151.32 | $4,436.26 |
161 | Student Union | $4,146,036.52 | $5,179,181.11 | ($1,033,144.59) |
162 | Salaries & Benefits | $986,657.18 | $1,688,225.53 | ($701,568.35) |
163 | OPS | $1,034,476.34 | $849,916.41 | $184,559.93 |
165 | Operations | $1,307,500.00 | $2,465,377.56 | ($1,157,877.56) |
166 | Maintenace and Custodial Cost | $1,540,903.00 | $175,925.61 | $1,364,977.39 |
170 | Estimated Revenue | ($723,500.00) | ($264.00) | ($723,236.00) |
173 | Volunteer UCF | $90,835.72 | $63,635.64 | $27,200.08 |
174 | OPS | $33,519.75 | $10,016.96 | $23,502.79 |
175 | Operations | $5,137.00 | $53,618.68 | ($48,481.68) |
176 | Alternative Break Program | $43,828.97 | $0.00 | $43,828.97 |
177 | Social Topic Directors | $3,000.00 | $0.00 | $3,000.00 |
178 | Marketing Inititative | $5,000.00 | $0.00 | $5,000.00 |
179 | Large Scale Events | $15,350.00 | $0.00 | $15,350.00 |
181 | Estimated Revenue | ($15,000.00) | $0.00 | ($15,000.00) |
Budget Total: | $18,200,000.00 | $18,114,159.08 | $85,840.92 |